Tutorial 1: Making a Call

This first tutorial shows how to make a call to an arbitrary destination using the Voip Library. To make a call, you have to perform the following steps, each of them explained in the next sections.

Note that this example, to work, requires a Sip Server (e.g Asterisk) installed and running on a reachable PC. For getting instructions about the Asterisk configuration, click here

Step 1: Initialize the Library

First of all, you have to import and instance the class VoipLib

# add the most.voip library root dir to the current python path...
import sys

# import the Voip Library
from most.voip.api import VoipLib

# instanziate the lib
my_voip = VoipLib()

Now, you have to build a dictionary containing all parameters needed for the Lib initialization

# build a dictionary containing all parameters needed for the Lib initialization

voip_params = {  u'username': u'ste',  # a name describing the user
                 u'sip_server_address': u'',  # the ip of the remote sip server (default port: 5060)
                 u'sip_server_user': u'ste', # the username of the sip account
                 u'sip_server_pwd': u'ste',  #  the password of the sip account
                 u'sip_server_transport' :u'udp', # the transport type (default: tcp)
                 u'log_level' : 1,  # the log level (greater values provide more informations)
                 u'debug' : False  # enable/disable debugging messages
At this point, you have to implement a callback method that will be

called by the voip library to notify any relevant voip event. You can choose an arbitrary name for this method, but it must contain the following 3 arguments: 1. voip_event_type argument indicating the type of the triggered event (VoipEventType.LIB_EVENT, VoipEventType.ACCOUNT_EVENT, VoipEventType.BUDDY_EVENT or VoipEventType.CALL_EVENT) | 2. voip_event reporting the specific event (e.g VoipEvent.ACCOUNT_REGISTERED to notify an account registration) 3. params a dictionary containing additional informations, depending on the specific triggered event call the initialize method passing the 2 parameters defined above

# define a method used for receive event notifications from the lib:

def notify_events(voip_event_type, voip_event, params):
    print "Received Event Type:%s -> Event: %s Params: %s" % (voip_event_type, voip_event, params)

At this point, you are ready to initialize the library passing the dictionary and the callback method defined above:

# initialize the lib passing the dictionary and the callback method defined above:
my_voip.init_lib(voip_params, notify_events)
Received Event Type:EVENT_TYPE__LIB_EVENT -> Event: VOIP_EVENT__LIB_INITIALIZING Params: {'params': {u'username': u'ste', u'sip_server_transport': u'udp', u'log_level': 1, u'sip_server_user': u'ste', u'sip_server_pwd': u'ste', u'debug': False, u'sip_server_address': u''}, 'success': True}
Received Event Type:EVENT_TYPE__LIB_EVENT -> Event: VOIP_EVENT__LIB_INITIALIZED Params: {'sip_server': '', 'success': True}

The example above assumes that you have a Sip Server (e.g, Asterisk) running on a pc reachable at the address

Note that, so far, no connection to the Sip Server has been established yet. The init_lib method returns a True value if the initialization request completes without errors, False otherwise.

Finally, note that at the end of the inititialization process the method notify_events is called, containing all informations related to the outcome of the initialization process.

Step 2: Registering the account on the Sip Server

Now, you are ready to register the user to the sip server (in this example, we are registering a user called ste with the password ste. We assume that the Sip Server knows this user and is able to accept the registration request from it).

Received Event Type:EVENT_TYPE__ACCOUNT_EVENT -> Event: VOIP_EVENT__ACCOUNT_REGISTERING Params: {'account_info': u'ste', 'Success': True}

Also in this case, the library calls the method notify_events to notify the outcome of the registration process. In particular, this method is called as soon as a registration request is sent (with a VoipEvent._ACCOUNT_REGISTERING event) and later, as soon as the registration is accepted by the remote Sip server (with a VoipEvent._ACCOUNT_REGISTERED state) or refused (with a VoipEvent._ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_FAILED event)

Step 3: Making a call to an arbitrary extension

In case of successfull registration, you can dial an extension (or call an arbitrary Sip User) in the following way:

my_extension = "1234"

import time
# wait until the call is active

Note that the notify_events method is called when the call is established (with the event VoipEvent.CALL_ACTIVE)

Step 4: Hangup the active call

To hangup the call you have just to call the method hangup_call:

# ends the current call

Note that, when the user hangs up the call , the callback method is called again with the event VoipEvent.CALL_HANGUP)